Europian communists display AntiCommunim
Responding to an abomination of an article on Rosa Luxemburg Siftung.
Lastest edit: 2022-09-09 17:22 EST
Brimming with Racism, and social chauvinism,Daniel Marwecki, decided to write an editorial that follows the trope of discovering the “Road to Damascus.” He claimed many on the left, who supported Russia’s action in Ukraine are wrong. However, combined with his racism and his ahistorical non-analysis, all we have is a repetition of the argument made by the bourgeoise.
War has returned to Europe, though it had never truly left. It was here in the 1990s, as Yugoslavia was shattered by a chain of civil wars complete with war crimes and genocide, wars that concluded with the reinvention of NATO when all was said and done.
How exactly did NATO reinvent itself from the Yugoslavian wars? We are not sure. The author doesn’t say. NATO still exists and continues its atrocities upon countries it considers “Third world”
since then, with the exception of the Warsaw Pact’s invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, no European state had attempted to subjugate another.
With this laughable paragraph, the author might as well come out and say, “ I have been sleeping throughout the cold war.”
The Coups in Romania, Poland and Hungary that “forced down” the iron curtain is another example of European nations subjugating each other. In fact, tearing down Yugoslavia was an exercise in imperialism and attempts at certain European Nations subjugating others. Finally, the European Union is a vehicle for mainly France and Germany to subjugate other European nations. The forced austerity measures upon Spain, the draconian privatization and austerity measures have turned the clock back in Southern Italy. The Greek Debt Crisis obviously shows there are indeed some European states that seek to subjugate others.
The next sentence is of course a bit of sophistry with obvious racist undertones involving “Asiatic Hordes”
In spite of the assumptions of too many analysts, Putin does not just want to annex a bit of eastern Ukraine. His sights are set on the entire country
Brimming with Chauvinism, he wonders
The question of how those on the German Left should respond to this war should not be a question at all, and was already answered at any rate by the leadership of Die Linke before it was asked.
Of course, he reasons himself to the wrong answer. The correct answer is: the German Left should be silent until they fully denazify, which of course means that Josef Goebels’ step-grand-children would no longer be billionaires.
The Russian assault is pure imperialism — imperialism that comes as considerably less of a surprise these days to people in Syria, Chechnya, Georgia, and many parts of Eastern Europe than to significant swathes of German society, including the German Left.
Filling with empty-phrase mongering, he does not seem understand that imperialism is not when a big country invades a small country. I would ask him to read, the one and only, Vladimir Lenin.
Russia’s involvement in Syria only came AFTER the government of Syria requested Russia’s protection from US, UK, Alies and such. Chechnya is a part of Russia, it would be ridiculous as referring to German Imperialism in Hamburg. As for Georgia, it was clearly US-backed color-revolution “president” who was forced to flee Georgia shortly afterwards who ordered the attack on Assetia.
Perhaps the next paragraph is the most egregious paragraph for a leftist. This is someone who knows nothing about the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. He says, “
At the moment we’re still in the Clausewitzian “fog of war,” taking things as they come. What does Putin want to accomplish? Is his invasion a repeat of Brezhnev’s criminal mistake, who invaded Afghanistan in 1979 only for his successor to withdraw ten years and millions of dead civilians later into an own overstretched empire on the verge of its ultimate collapse?
This is an example of a supposed “leftist” who is farther to the right than the State Department. Let’s look at the following wikileaks cable leaked from the State Department.
Given Afghanistan’s poverty and backwardness, this regime’s revolutionary goals would probably, in themselves, deserve genuine support from most quarters interested in bettering the lot of the Afghan people.
Here is the state department in 1979, admitting that the Soviet Union was doing the lord’s work.